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Magnetic Fields and Navigation
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Section 7 of 9
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Activity | Hidden Treasure Map
Approximate time to complete: 15-20 minutes
About this activity
In this activity, you’ll create and follow treasure maps using cardinal directions and a compass.
What you’ll learn
- How to create and follow step-by-step navigation instructions.
- Compass (may use smartphone)
- Items (treasures) to hide
- Buddy
- Activity recording page (download below)
- How do you use a compass to find the direction North?
- How do you use a compass to find the direction South?
- In this activity, you’ll use ‘one step’ as your way to measure and give directions. How can you make sure the steps are all as similar in size as possible?
- Hide a treasure somewhere in, near, or outside of your learning space.
- Choose a starting point.
- Use your compass to figure out the directions to your hidden item, and write them down.
- Example: Take 3 steps north, then 4 steps northeast, then 2 steps south-southwest.
- Give your buddy the directions for finding the hidden item.
- Have your buddy use a compass and follow the directions to find the treasure.
- Take turns and repeat as many times as you like!
- Did your directions work? Did your buddy find the treasure?
- Is there anything that could change how accurate your directions are?