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The First Great Lesson
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Planning & Materials -
LessonVideo | The Story of the Universe
Experiment | Force of Attraction
Experiment | Settling Layers According to Density
Experiment | Volcano Model
Keep ExploringNomenclature | Beginning of the Universe
Research | Beginning of the Universe
AnswersAnswer Key | The First Great Lesson
Section 5 of 9
In Progress
Experiment | Settling Layers According to Density
Approximate time to complete: 10-15 minutes + questions and journal time
About this experiment
In this experiment, you’ll explore how density affects different materials. You’ll pour three liquids into a container to see which ones sink, which ones float, and how they interact.
What you’ll learn
- Substances settle into layers according to their density
- 4 clear cups
- Water
- Oil
- Honey
- What do you think will happen when you pour water, oil, and honey into the same container?
- Pour equal parts of water into one cup, oil into another cup, and honey into a third cup.
- Place an empty cup in front of you.
- Pour water into the empty cup.
- Pour honey into the water – observe what happens.
- Add oil to the cup – observe what happens.
- Can you list the liquids (water, oil, and honey) from least dense to most dense?
- Do you think the particles in the densest liquid are closer together, or further apart than the particles in the least dense liquid? Why?