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What Is Sound?
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Section 8 of 9
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Activity | Sounds All Around Me

How to Use
- Click on the link below to download and print it.
- Find a place where you want to observe different sounds. It could be at home, in your classroom, on the playground, or anywhere you have permission from a responsible adult to go.
- Observe the sounds you notice and record them on your activity recording page.
- Find a different place to observe sounds. If you observed them at home the first time, maybe you want to try the playground this time.
- Observe the sounds you notice and record them on a new activity recording page.
- Compare the sounds you noticed in this new place to the sounds you noticed in the first place.
- Were there more or less sounds?
- Were there more high-pitch sounds or more low-pitch sounds?
- Were there more loud sounds or more quiet sounds?